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Discover Lanluma

A revolutionary PLLA injectable for the body
Model is not an actual patient.
Best Injectable Body Filler
Lanluma Best Injectable Body Filler

We are delighted to announce that


The AMWC Awards for

The Best Injectable Body Filler

Thank you to everyone who voted for us. Aesthetic Practitioners recommend Lanluma for beautifully natural-looking results for the face and body.

What Is Lanluma?

Lanluma is a CE marked injectable poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) collagen stimulant for face and body used for increasing the volume of depressed skin areas.

It is available in two different sizes for convenience (V and X), both with identical composition

and has a shelf life of 2 years.

Lanluma V Packshot

Lanluma V: 210 mg PLLA

Designed for smaller areas such as the face, upper arms, neck and décolleté

Lanluma X Packshot

Lanluma X: 630 mg PLLA

Designed for larger areas, such as the buttocks


Lanluma offers an alternative to surgical procedures

Buttock Case 05 Social Post

In the buttocks to provide reshaping and projection.

Buttock augmentation by Dr. Beatrice Baltan, after image was taken 3 months after the 2nd treatment.

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Cellulite in the buttocks.

Cellulite treatment by Dr. Leah Cosmetic Skin Clinics, after image was taken 5 months after 2nd treatment.

Cellulite In Thighs

Cellulite in the thighs

The Rise in Non-Surgical Procedures

The ISAPS Global Survey 2020 revealed a dramatic decrease ofsurgical cosmeticprocedures(-10.9%)compared with theconstant increase of non-surgical(5.7%) cosmetic The ISAPS Global Survey 2020 revealedprocedures.

Buttock surgery showed the highest growth for all surgical procedures and buttock lifts increased by 43.4% in 2020.

Lanluma Indications

Lanluma Indications

What other Practitioners' are saying about Lanluma...

I love Lanluma because it works with your own body by stimulating collagen to create beautiful, natural-looking, and safe results with minimal downtime.
Other than adding lift & volume Lanluma improves skin texture, that's why we can successfully treat really difficult conditions like cellulite.
Lanluma is a versatile product that is one step forward for non-surgical treatments.

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Content regarding Lanluma® is not intended for patients and healthcare professionals based in Germany and Spain.

Die Inhalte zu Lanluma® sind nicht für Patienten und Ärzte mit Sitz in Deutschland bestimmt.

El contenido relacionado con Lanluma® no está destinado a pacientes y profesionales sanitarios con sede en España.


Content regarding Lanluma® is not intended for patients and healthcare professionals based in Germany and Spain.

Die Inhalte zu Lanluma® sind nicht für Patienten und Ärzte mit Sitz in Deutschland bestimmt.

El contenido relacionado con Lanluma® no está destinado a pacientes y profesionales sanitarios con sede en España.


Lanluma is a poly-L-lactic acid implant suitable for increasing the volume of depressed areas, particularly to correct skin depressions.


Like all procedures of this type there is a possibility of adverse events, although not everybody experiences them. These adverse events include but are not limited to infection, minimal acute inflammatory tissue reaction (redness, swelling, rash, oedema, erythema, lumps/nodules etc.), pain (which may be temporary or persistent in nature), transient haematoma or bruising. For a full list consult Instructions for Use.

The onset of any side effect must be reported immediately. Please contact the local Sinclair representative or authorised Lanluma distributor. Alternatively send the details to Sinclair on:

For a full list of contraindications, warnings and precautions for this product please visit for copy of the Product Instructions for Use.